A DISGUSTED dog walker said dumped piles of rubbish at a nearby nature reserve are a 'health hazard'.

Old clothing, a shopping trolley, and general rubbish were found south of Diglis Bridge at Cherry Orchard Nature Reserve where resident Janette Hardie regularly walks her dog Crumpet.

Mrs Hardie said: "There's lots of rubbish, it's terrible. They just leave it here and then we have to put up with it.

"It's a health hazard, and it isn't the first time it has happened."

Teams from the city council will now collect the flytipped pile of rubbish after it was contacted by Worcester News.

A spokesperson for Worcester City Council said: “We are aware of the site and are making arrangements to tidy it.

“We continue to undertake normal cleansing duties and would ask members of the public to report any particular concerns of rubbish or litter to us at www.worcester.gov.uk/report-it.”

Mrs Hardie uncovered the rubbish and a burnt-out fire, set just off the Severn Way path that leads south alongside the river from Diglis Bridge.

Mrs Hardie added: "I know so many people that don't walk their dogs there now and we're into the summer holidays too.

"Children around here want to go out and use the park and have their freedom but not with all this rubbish around.

"It's not on."

Diglis resident Janette Hardie found the rubbish abandoned south of Diglis Bridge.Diglis resident Janette Hardie found the rubbish abandoned south of Diglis Bridge. (Image: Newsquest)

She added: "It's people that are living in tents and have just abandoned the area leaving all the mess behind them.

"We're all told to go out and enjoy nature, enjoy our parks, but how can we do that with all that rubbish there.

"It's dangerous for people and for the dogs being walked here."

Back in May, Worcester News reported The Stocks Vet in Lower Wick had seen several dogs who had fallen ill after eating potentially toxic substances in the nature reserve.

Speaking at the time, a spokesperson from The Stocks Vet said: "We can confirm we treated several dogs whose owners mentioned they were walking in same area at same time of day.

"The dogs presented with similar symptoms where it was believed they accidentally ingested some form of toxic substance."