There has been an increase in the number of times the fire service has been called to a Worcestershire prison.

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service was called out 54 times to HMP Long Lartin, near Evesham, between the start of 2019 and June 12, 2024.

The data was released following a Freedom of Information request to the fire service.

A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: “While the majority of these callouts relate to small incidents resolved by staff on-site with fire services requested as a precaution, it is another sign of the crisis in the prison system.

“The Government is now gripping the situation to make prisons safer for our hard-working staff and to improve public safety by ensuring prisons make better citizens, not better criminals.”

While most incidents were marked as fire other incidents were marked as flooding, building, and persons. 

Nigel Huddleston, MP for Droitwich and Evesham, said: "The overwhelming majority of the cell fires in prisons are classified as small and are quickly dealt with by staff.

"Where it is found that a fire is the result of arson, or recklessness, the prisoner responsible will face robust punitive action, which can include further criminal charges.

"I am sure we can all agree that conditions in prisons must be safe, decent and humane, and result in fewer incidents of reoffending.

"I welcome that, under the previous Government, reoffending fell from 31% to 25% between 2010 and 2024.

"I have a good working relationship with Governors and staff at Long Lartin and am always ready to assist the prison with any issue if I am asked.”

The data shows that 66 per cent of the calls have happened since 2022. 

HWFRS callouts to HMP Long Lartin: 

- 2019: 6

- 2020: 7

- 2021: 5

- 2022: 14

- 2023: 14

- 2024 (first half of year): 8

Jon Pryce, chief fire officer at HWFRS said: "We work closely with HMP Long Lartin and through well tested and agreed protocols HWFRS is mobilised at a very early stage to any and all possible incidents, due primarily to the necessary delays in accessing the site.

"However most fires are very small in nature and often extinguished prior to the arrival of HWFRS.

"The number of serious fire-related incidents, based on the challenges faced by staff operating at HMP Long Lartin, are in HWFRS view relatively low.  

"The service will continue to work closely with the prison and staff to provide a prompt and effective response to all incidents."