Worcester City Council (WCC) wants residents' thoughts on tree management in the city.

The council intends to outline a long-term strategy to guarantee the appropriate management of existing trees and the planting of new ones.

The Tree Strategy will set out a vision for how the metropolitan treescape is forecast to evolve and enhance over time.

The main goal is to enrich the area's character and look by creating a varied treescape by 2050 and help the city adjust to the implications of climate change.

The long-term tree strategy is also expected to unlock new funding opportunities for tree planting and support future partnership work.

Residents, business owners, and visitors are called upon to share their views on what they believe are key priorities for the Tree Strategy for Worcester, and the best ways for people to engage through voluntary contributions.

Councillor Zoe Cookson, Worcester City Council’s chairperson of the environment committee, said: "The Tree Strategy is an important piece of work which will set out how the city council manages existing and plants new trees in parks and other council owned land over the next 25 years."

Councillor Cookson highlighted the solid link between enhanced mental health and locations enriched by trees.

Councillor Robyn Norfolk, place & economic development committee chairperson also added: "The Strategy will provide a long-term plan for where trees will be positioned in our urban areas.

"Trees in urban areas can have a significant and real impact on improving the look and feel of our city for residents and visitors.

"For the strategy to be successful and represent as many views as possible, it's important to have input from a wide range of people and groups from across our city at this early stage in the preparation of this important piece of work."

The consultation will be running until August 30 and can be filled out at the Worcester City Council website.

Everyone, regardless of their access to the internet, is able to access information about the consultation at the Guildhall in High Street or alternatively can call 01905 722233 to request a printed copy.