The next steps to improve play facilities across Worcester have been agreed upon by city councillors.

The decisions were made in light of the Worcester Play Plan, a ten-year commitment by Worcester City Council to invest in outdoor spaces for children and young people.

During their Monday night meeting, members of the Place and Economic Development Committee earmarked priority projects.

Perdiswell was agreed upon as the preferred destination for a play site featuring a pump track, subject to public consultation.

Consultation will begin on how to improve play and open spaces in St Peter’s ward, using funds obtained from the Taylors Lane housing development.

The Council will engage with communities to discuss improvements to the play facilities at Cornmeadow Lane in the Claines ward and at Weyburn Close in the Lower Wick and Pitmaston ward.

Funding of £663,536 has been secured for the Play Plan projects from housing developers through Section 106 agreements.

An additional £400,000 from the Community Infrastructure Levy was approved by the Place and Economic Development Committee in July last year.

Vice-chair of Worcester City Council’s Place & Economic Development Committee, Hannah Cooper, said: "The Play Plan is built around the concept that play provision should be available for a range of age groups and at different locations in the city, and that we provide play equipment to suit a wide range of needs and interests.

"The Plan attempts to plug the gaps in play provision across the city by finding locations which need investment.

"Consulting and engaging with people living in the area and those who will be potentially using the play facilities is important to help us design individual projects."

Since its introduction, the Worcester Play Plan has led to a new youth shelter and renovation of the multi-use games area at Horizon Hub on Midland Road.

A 'Play on the Way project' is due for completion along the public footpath between Cranham Drive and Chedworth Close next year.

A pump track is due to be built and opened later this year in Battenhall Park – a first for Worcester.

Work has also included the replacement and improving of equipment at existing parks.