Children can enjoy a whole host of fun activities at The Commandery in Worcester this summer.

Throughout the school holidays, weekly events, filled with crafts, games and learning, are planned to keep the young ones entertained.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from July 23 until August 29, The Commandery is hosting activity mornings for children.

The sessions, running from 10.30am to 12noon, are aimed at children up to the age of 10, and each morning is themed differently.

Youngsters can create their own marine creatures in a session inspired by the deep blue sea, as well as conduct their own science experiment during 'Amazing Oceans' week (July 23-25, August 13-15).

Medieval Quest week (July 30-31 and August 1, August 20-22) provides the chance to learn to fire a trebuchet - a type of catapult - and design a crown fit for a king or queen.

The final Fairytale Adventures week (August 6-8, August 27-29) will see children go home with their crafted fairy and a 'big bad wolf' mask. There will also be a trail around The Commandery including medieval, Civil War and Tudor items.

Each session ends with a story, drink and a biscuit for the children. The sessions cost £5 per child.

Bank Holiday Monday, August 26 from 10.30am to 3pm, brings families together for a special day of circus skills workshops and performances.

The event is free with general admission and does not require booking.

Helen Manning, The Commandery's events and activities coordinator, said: "With lots to do inside and out The Commandery is the perfect place to spend the summer holidays whatever the weather.

"There’s plenty of history to explore and lots to do so it makes for a lovely day out."

General admission to The Commandery applies for all visitors and can be paid on arrival or booked online in advance.

The newly opened café Little Al’s Kitchen offers additional refreshments, in a picturesque spot next to the canal.

For families planning regular visits, purchasing a season or Worcester Residents' pass offers free admission to the Commandery, although the £5 per child fee for the family morning still applies.