THERE have been calls for an area in Worcester popular with families to get its first play area.

Councillor Alex Mace is calling for a play area to finally be built in the St Stephen ward after he raised concerns that children have no access to play equipment.

St Stephen's ward currently has no play areas within its boundaries. 

Place and Economic Development Committee (PED) is currently looking for updates to its Worcester Play Plan Priority Projects and Cllr Mace hopes St Stephen ward will be on the list.

He said that the area is surrounded by busy roads which can act as a barrier to children, parents and carers trying to get to play areas elsewhere in the city.

Cllr Mace, who was speaking at the PED, said “There are a number of great play areas just over the border, in Gheluvelt Park, Bishops Avenue, Perdiswell and Gillam Street MUGA, with Brickfields also close by, but the bulk of the ward is enclosed by large, busy roads.

"One of the common themes I hear on the doorstep is about the speed and amount of traffic on these roads, and the challenge of crossing them.

“Children deserve to have access to play equipment on their doorstep, and in St Stephen, we have none. Let’s fix that.”

Worcester Play Plan Priority Project looks to improve play areas and access to them across the city.

Cllr Mace said that the canal towpath presents another possible route to Lansdowne Park and other play sites.

However, some residents expressed concerns about having to share the path with cyclists riding fast, its unlit nature, and feeling unsafe from mid-afternoon in the darker months. 

The PED will now assess the possible locations put forward for its Worcester Play Plan Priority Projects.