A PET owner said she is "living on the edge all the time" after claiming nothing is being done to find a cat killer in her estate.

Lucy Symmonds has called the police for not taking the deaths of her three cats seriously after she claims there were multiple poisonings on her estate in the past 12 years.

West Mercia Police confirmed they have received a report from a resident on Ramsons Close in Malvern that a number of cats have died in the area and enquiries are still ongoing.

Two years ago, two of Miss Symmonds' three cats, Dusty and Dora, were put to sleep after they were poisoned with suspected antifreeze. 

Then, in May 2024, her cat Douglas died due to another suspected poisoning. 

"They are not taking it seriously - if it was a human or a dog, they would take it seriously, and I think that is disgusting," said Miss Symmonds.

"I do think it's reoccurring.

"It may not be the same person, but I have lived here for 12 years, and there have been a number of cats poisoned with antifreeze."

A West Mercia Police spokesperson said the force is disappointed to hear a victim of crime is unhappy with its services.

It added: "We would encourage anyone who is unsatisfied to make a formal complaint so that it can be looked into.

“Complaints can be made via our website." 

Mayor of Malvern Town Council and cat lover Marilyn Birks said she is horrified it is happening regularly in her ward and is working with relevant authorities to find who is responsible.

 "I want to work with the police and relevant agencies to see if there is a repetitive pattern and if the same people are involved," she said.

"It is a real concern.

"We got our first cat 50 years ago - they should be treated with love, care and affection."

Miss Symmonds said she is now expected to pay to have the alleged poison tested, but this is a price she cannot afford. 

The mum has also had to previously pay around £3,000 in vet bills due to the alleged poisonings.