A STRANGE white substance pouring into a Worcestershire canal was "incorrectly" dumped.

The mysterious white substance flowed into Elmbridge Brook in Droitwich for two weeks before Severn Trent Water revealed a third-party organisation was incorrectly discharging into the network.

The issue was first flagged by a resident concerned about the continuous flow of discoloured liquid entering the area.

Severn Trent said it is now engaging with the organisation to prevent it from happening again.

A spokesperson for Severn Trent said: “Following on from our investigations along the canal and surrounding area, we’ve discovered that a third party is incorrectly discharging into the network.

"We will now be engaging with them to prevent this from happening again.”

The Environment Agency teamed up with Severn Trent to investigate the network and found the cause of the problem on Thursday, July 18. 

Elmbridge Brook has a surface water outfall with multiple inlets, including public drains.

The Canal and River Trust said Elmbridge Brook is not looked after by its charity.

A Canal and River Trust spokesperson said: "However, our environmental scientist has reported it to Severn Trent as it may be a misconnected drain, and they say they will send a crew out to investigate within four hours."