TWO police officers are well on their way to raising £6,000 to support charity.

Police Constable Chris Fowler and Police Sergeant Rob Seewoosaha walked over the Malvern Hills in their free time wearing full authorised firearms officer and police support unit kit in aid of the Emergency Services Aid Charity.

In September, PC Fowler and PS Seewoosaha, better known as Chris and Swoosh, will use their own leave to join others, mainly from ‘blue light’ backgrounds, as they transport disused ambulances and fire engines through Spain, over the Mediterranean and down the west side of Africa to The Gambia.

The transport will then be handed over for use by the people living there.

But first the West Mercia Police duo each need to raise £3,000 which goes towards the purchase of the vehicles, their maintenance, fuel and upkeep with last month’s walk in hot conditions covering more than 10 miles.

PS Seewoosaha said: “I have to say this nearly destroyed us. It was one of the most challenging and exhausting achievements that we have ever done.

“Temperatures rose in to the high 20s. Luckily, we had good friends with us for support and encouragement.

“We have now both recovered well due to consistent hydration.”

They trekked the entire length of the hills for seven-and-a-half hours from 4am, hitting every peak along the way to the finishing line at the northern most point of the hills.

PC Fowler wore his full authorised firearms officer kit, which included two ceramic plates within his vest, while PS Seewoosaha completed the challenge in his police support unit kit, including pads and helmet.

Joined by PC Daniel Brookes, PC Fowler’s partner Lauren Lee and Angie Seewoosaha, the team is raising money to support the delivery of emergency services vehicles to The Gambia.

To raise the money, they have also so far completed a pub quiz at Worcester’s The Arch Rivals and secured sponsorship from Mosu Hair in the city.

Their journey overseas during Operation Zephyr in September will take around two-and-a-half weeks where they will travel from the south coast of the United Kingdom, board a ferry to northern Spain, drive to the south and cross the Strait of Gibraltar.

From there, they will head down the west coast of the African continent through Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal and then into The Gambia.

They have now raised more than £5,100 out of the £6,000 target.

PS Seewoosaha added: “We have had a surge in donations which is amazing.”

To learn more about the fundraising and donate, head to