A WORCESTER schoolboy enjoyed a prom escort with a difference.

11-year-old Finley McDonough, who attends Carnforth School, was the envy of his friends as he turned up to his primary school prom escorted by 26 members of Chequered Past Scooter Club.

His mother, Kim McDonough, helped arrange it all. She said: "Finley loves scooters, so I contacted one of the club's members, Shawn Smith, over Facebook a few months ago to see if they could help.

"They were brilliant. They didn't want any money in return, they only asked that I make a donation to the autism charity that the club is supporting this year."

Finley is autistic  and Chequered Past Scooter Club did all they could to make him comfortable.

Miss McDonough said: "Finley is quite reserved, so Shawn and other members arranged to meet us the week before so that he could get to know them before the prom."

"They even gifted Finley a new parker coat with the club's logo on the night too, they couldn't have done anymore."

"Another member, Anthony Smith, got Finley a few gifts on the day as well - they made it really special."

Neither Kim or Finley were sure of how many members of the club would arrive at the meeting point, The Blackpole Inn, ahead of escorting Finley to his prom.

Miss McDonough added: "For 26 members and their scooters to turn up was amazing. Finley rode on the back of one for the journey, right at the front of the pack.

"It was busy when they arrived at the school, so everyone got to see his grand entrance."

Chequered Past Scooter Club has chosen an autism charity as its fundraising focus this year, and it's upcoming summer event is designed to raise money for the cause.

Miss McDonough added: "Basically everything the club does is for charity, and the cause this year is particularly close to us."

The club's next event is 'The All Dayer 2' on Saturday, August 17 at The Blackpole Inn, with live music, an auction, and a raffle taking place on the day.