STAFF and pupils at a Worcester primary school will bid a fond farewell to two much-loved members of staff today.

Lynn Jenkins and Cath Wood will both retire from Red Hill CE Primary School - after a combined 57 years of service.

The pair have taught thousands of youngster at the school in Arundel Drive, Battenhall since first arriving decades ago.

Both women started their careers as lunchtime supervisors when their own children were pupils at the school.

Mrs Wood attended St Mary’s Convent as a child. Her parents lived just around the corner on Arundel Drive and they were still there when she started work at the school as a ‘dinner lady’ in January 1994 while her son attended the school.

Mrs Jenkins also started as a ‘dinner lady’ when her three children -Louise, Andrew and Rebecca - were pupils at the school.

Since then the pair have gone to fulfill numerous roles including teaching assistants, one-to-one teaching assistants, and operating the school’s before and after school club provision.

They have also been the port of call for many children with bumps and bruises for which they administered first aid.

The school’s business manager Daniel Sparkes said: “Over this time, tens of thousands of children have passed through their care for which they have had a lasting impact on their future.

“Some of the current staff today remember being students at the school when both were working all those years ago.

"Today we are celebrating their commitment, service and dedication to the school in a special service where students and staff both past and present will gather in a well deserved celebration of their careers. Both will be very sadly missed by all but we as a school community wish them every happiness in their retirement.”