HUNDREDS of people will be racing down the River Severn and through Worcester with event organisers promising a "spectacle".

Worcester Dragons, a dragon boat racing team, will be relaunching their annual "Race the Dragon" event on Sunday (July 21) and are encouraging the public to watch. 

Racing will take place between 10am and 4pm between Worcester Bridge and Café Viaduct.

Around 100 people have been training for the past three weeks with "crews battling it out" for trophies. 

Penny Whitehouse, from the Worcester Dragon Boat Racing Team, said: "Race the Dragon is our annual charity event that has been going on for over 25 years except during covid, with the aim of raising money for good causes and increasing visibility for the sport.

"This year is our relaunch after covid and is slightly smaller than usual but we want to make it bigger each year. 

"We have a lot of crews from companies this year who want to improve their team building and we will be raising money for Dementia Café this year.

"We have had around 100 people training in crews for the past three weeks in the lead-up to this event, many of whom have never tried dragon boat racing before and it's great to see.

"The whole club looks forward to this event and it's a lot of fun which is what the sport is all about."

Café Viaduct will be open throughout the event to provide refreshments.

Mrs Whitehouse continued: "Each crew consists of 16 paddlers, one drummer and one helm, and they will be starting at the Worcester road bridge, finishing at Café Viaduct.

"We will be running a number of races throughout the day and there will be a prizegiving ceremony at 4.15pm with teams battling it out for trophies. 

"We are encouraging people to come and spectate, shout out and get involved. 

"It should be a great day out with outdoor fun suitable for all the family.

"The event brings increased visibility for the sport and gets people on the water, it's good for exercise and the sport can be competitive. 

"I've been doing it for nine years and it's sociable, you see lots of wildlife and it gets you out in the fresh air."

If you find yourself wanting to give dragon boat racing a go in the future, all team members will be more than happy to talk with you at the event.