WHAT a ludicrous idea it is to close down the Crowngate public toilets, no doubt to save money.

The management of the Crowngate Shopping Centre must need their heads looking at for suggesting such a proposal.

These public toilets provide a crucial public service for anyone caught short and in need of being relieved whilst out shopping in Worcester or whilst getting on and off buses at Worcester Crowngate Bus Station.

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Far too many public toilets have been closed around the UK in recent years and these closure proposals, although recently suspended, just go to show the decline in public services that has up to the recent election continued unabated.

By writing this letter I hope pressure can be put on the Crowngate management to permanently reconsider the reversal of the closure decision of these public toilet facilities for I feel that this outrageous proposal would be both counterproductive to the shopping complex and its customers as well as to the general public of Worcester and the local area.

Please can something be done to reverse this abhorrent closure proposal forthwith.

Thank you for reading this letter.

David Whitworth


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