WORCESTERSHIRE sauce may be the most recognisable thing to ever come out of the county, and two councillors are looking to honour it with new artwork in the city.

Jenny Barnes and Richard Udall, Worcester City Councillors for St John's,  have proposed that a giant sculpture of Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce should be displayed in their ward's Cripplegate Park.

Cllr Barnes said: "The park already has beautiful sculptures reflecting aspects of the city.

"This site is crying out for something equally special and eye-catching, turning a functional structure into a platform celebrating heritage."

Cllr Barnes suggested using the concrete slab on top of the plug hole, which takes flood water away from the park, as a pedestal to display the sculpture on.

Cripplegate Park is one of Worcester's most popular parks, and has already housed sculptures such as a nine-foot-tall poppy installed in 2016 and a giant pear in 2017.

Cllr Udall said: "I have been suggesting a tribute to this fine product for years, wherever you go in the world, Worcester is always known and associated with our sauce.

"We should make much more of this product which has put Worcester on the world map.

"It's also a tribute to the industrial workers of the city, people who work hard to bring prosperity to Worcester and to help export our good and services worldwide."

Worcestershire sauce was first produced by two chemists from the city, John Wheeley Lea and William Perrins, in 1835.

After believing their initial sauce had been a failure, the pair left it in the cellar for two years, before being rediscovered two years later with a new flavour achieved from leaving the sauce to ferment.

The sauce is still produced by their namesake company, Lea and Perrins to this day.

The councillors hope the owners of the company will help contribute towards the statue and would like to meet with them to discuss the plan.

Cllr Barnes said: "We would like some sponsorship from the owners so we can deliver a tribute to their product."