A site manager from Worcester has been recognised nationally after winning a top housing industry award.

Kevin Locke, based at Elgar Park in Lower Broadheath, along with two others working at Bloor Homes' Western region, has received a Pride in the Job 2024 Quality Award from NHBC, which is the largest provider of new home warranties and insurance in the UK.

Dan Turner, based at Alcester Park in Alcester, also bagged an award, as did Dan Knight at Brize Meadow in Carterton.

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Pride in the Job, now in its 44th year, is considered the 'Oscars' of the housing industry.

Every entry is judged by consistency, attention to detail, leadership, their interpretation of drawings, technical expertise, and health and safety.

449 winners were selected from a field of over 8,000 sites, signifying that they belong to the top five per cent of the UK's site managers.

Steve Roberts, the regional managing director, said: "Our thanks and congratulations go to both Dan Knight and Dan Turner who have received awards in previous years and continue to set the bar high is all aspects of their site management, and to Kevin Locke on his first Pride in the Job Quality Award with Bloor Homes.

"They all exhibit best practice and set the bar high for their teams and across the region.

"Well done, recognition of your hard work and excellent approach is well deserved – good luck for the next round of Seal of Excellence and Regional awards this autumn."

Mr Locke is among 28 site managers from the housebuilder to receive an award this year, setting a record for the firm.

Andrew Marns and Richard Oldroyd, the housebuilder's divisional chairmen, said: "Congratulations to all winners who have been recognised in this year’s NHBC Pride in the Job awards.

"Consistently putting customers at the centre of everything they do sets the bar high for the entire site team and ensures the delivery of outstanding quality in our new homes and developments for our homeowners.

"We are proud of all 28 winners – thank you to NHBC for recognising their dedication and leadership."