CUSTOMERS "trying their luck" with drug use has led police to conduct patrols around city pubs.

West Mercia Police are working alongside Worcester's public houses to eradicate drugs from its city pubs.

It comes after The Oak Apple on Spetchley Road revealed it will be working closely with police after a small number of its punters were abusing its zero-tolerance on drugs.

Landlords Gavin Casey and Michael Oseland took over the watering hole nine months ago and said they had been working hard to eradicate the issue.

But there is still a small minority of customers who are "trying their luck". 

PC Phoebe Attwood, from the Worcester Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT), said: “We have been working alongside The Oak Apple and with other public houses within our SNT area that ask for our support.

“Our officers conduct regular patrols at these public houses and will issue Community Protection Warning Notices to patrons causing anti-social behaviour."

The Oak Apple has now introduced UV torches, anti-drug deterrent spray and signage to deter people from doing drugs on its premises.

A spokesperson for The Oak Apple said: "We thought we almost eradicated it, but there is a small minority of guests who have come over from other pubs to watch the football who think it’s acceptable when we are a family community pub.

"We have put actions in place to prevent and catch those offending such as UV torches, anti-drug deterrent spray and signage.

"We have a good relationship with our colleagues at West Mercia Police who have been very helpful."

Those caught doing drugs in the pub will get a lifetime ban and be reported to the police.

However, The Oak Apple is not the only pub that has experienced issues with drug users.

Fred Jones, owner of The Imperial Tavern, said his pub does not have any problems with drug users, but he is aware of many in the city centre who do have issues.

"We are lucky because we do not attract a young crowd. Over the years I have been here, there has only been one instance, which was a large group from out of town, and that was dealt with.

"I have noticed several pubs have an issue with it, but we don't."