Marc Bayliss has apologised for the failings of the outgoing Tory government.

Speaking after Labour’s Tom Collins was declared the new MP for Worcester, Mr Bayliss congratulated Mr Collins on his victory and wished the new government “all the best”.

“It is clear that the country has voted for change and I wish them well,” Mr Bayliss said.

“Our role will be to provide an opposition to that government and to make sure they are as effective as they can be.

“I’d like to thank those who voted Conservative in this election. I’d like to apologise for those things that the government that is outgoing got wrong.

“We, as a party, will have to look, reflect, and think and come again with a new offer in the future.”

After thanking his family, other candidates and those who had helped to put on the election, Mr Bayliss said: “I’ll finish by using Churchill’s words ‘Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It’s the courage to continue that counts’.

“And both my party and me personally, will undoubtedly continue.”