AN urgent appeal for adopters has been launched after a charity saw a rise in the number of young mother cats and kittens. 

Cat’s Protection in Worcester is pleading with the public to give mature cats a chance to have a home. 

It was reported that 72 per cent of the cats it homed last year were kittens and older cats, and across the charity, it typically takes three times longer to rehome them.  

This has led to Cats Protection launching an urgent appeal to give older cats a chance at finding loving homes. 

Lorna Ignman, the charity administration volunteer, said: “We’ve noticed a real downturn in adoptions in recent months. 

“We’re struggling to home young cats, and once again, we have more kittens than cats in our care! 

“We’re here for all cats, and with so many young, needy cats in our care, we are keen to hear from people who would like to welcome any cat of any age into their home.”  

One of the cats needing a home is 18-month-old Candy, a white-and-tortoiseshell moggie. 

She is one of the many pregnant cats who arrived in the volunteers’ care as heavily pregnant stray kittens. 

She loves affection, especially chin rubs, food, and catching flies. 

The charity said Candy is looking for a home in a safe, ideally rural area, away from the dangers of busy roads and cars.  

She could live alongside other pets but is not suited to life with children.  

Another one of the cats in need of a home is a 22-month-old grey and white Smokie.  

She already had two litters by the time she arrived in Cats Protection’s care and enjoys spending time outdoors and without the burden of having to raise kittens. 

Not much is known about Smokie’s past, but after a controlled introduction, she would be happy to live with other cats and possibly calm dogs or children.  

The charity has asked anyone interested in adopting one of its cats or kittens to visit its website.