Inkberrow Football Club has been given the go-ahead to install a 3G artificial pitch after a flood of support from villagers.

Wychavon District Council has approved plans for a 3G pitch to be installed at the club’s ground in Sands Road, Inkberrow.

The club is also installing floodlights, perimeter fencing, laying hardstanding areas and a new footpath, relocating three existing storage containers and adding a new one.

The plans attracted dozens of supportive comments from villagers keen to see the club allowed to improve its facilities.

Rosemarie Flynn said: “Both my children play here, and the benefits of having this pitch will be huge. They are already falling behind clubs and academies elsewhere that have this facility to play in pretty much all weathers.

“The clubs focus has always been on the surrounding area and community engagement which is what this will help provide, as it will allow a sports facility for everyone all year round.”

Paul Evans said it would be a great addition to the village as winter training sessions currently take place in Redditch, so would also reduce the amount of travel required to get children to training.

Neil Simpson said: “As a volunteer for Inkberrow Junior Football I see the massive impact this club has on the community, both local and wider.

“The club is a focal point for local sport and provides great facilities for people of all ages and abilities to partake in and spectate sport.

“The addition of an all-weather facility will only enhance and grow that impact. I think the impact will be hugely positive.”

Danielle Benge said: “This will be a fantastic opportunity for the community to have access to a wonderful facility which will be able to be used for years to come.”

Tom Roberts said: “This will be a wonderful resource for the local community, school and club, actively improving the physical and mental health of hundreds of children and adults.”

Inkberrow Football Club is also awaiting the outcome of a planning application to build two new stands at its Sands Road ground - one for 70 standing supporters and one with seating for 50 people.