A TEENAGE driver has been found guilty of careless driving after overtaking another car on a bend while speeding in Worcester.

Zain Khan, 18, of Perry Wood Walk, Worcester, was convicted of driving without due care and attention on London Road and Whittington Road.

Khan was sentenced at Worcester Magistrates Court - where he was hit with a large costs bill - on Thursday, June 27 following the incident when Khan was behind the wheel of a Skoda on December 4, 2022.

Khan 'overtook another vehicle on single carriageway on a bend driving over the speed limit', the court heard.

The defendant pleaded not guilty on July 5 but was found guilty and sentenced for the offence last Thursday.

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He was fined £100, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £40 and prosecution costs of £625.

A collection order was made, giving the court additional powers to recover the money owed.

Khan's driving record was also endorsed with four penalty points.