THREE girls have won the 'best arrival award' to their prom after an escort from a Worcester bike group. 

Megan Smith, Aimee Haines and Fearne Smith won the award for their arrival to the Evesham High School prom thanks to an escort from The Fruity Crew. 

Twenty-six bikes draped in blue and red ribbons escorted the teenagers for 20 miles from Evesham to The Manor by the Lake in Cheltenham. 

The group was also helped by Redditch charity bikers who marshalled the escort. 

The charity bikers raised money for The Farm Animal Sanctuary in Middle Littleton. 

Ann Shave, Megan Smith's grandmother and founder of The Fruity Crew, said: "It's quite common for bike groups to escort family members to their prom. 

"We did it for my granddaughter and her friends, she likes going on the back of the motorbikes and when she asked six weeks ago, we jumped on the opportunity.

"It was quite the family event and it was very emotional.

"She is my only granddaughter so it was quite special and really nice to see her and her friends enjoying themselves."

The Worcester-based Fruity Ride Crew has 42 members ranging from 25 to 65. 

Mrs Shave also started the Fruity Bike Meets which has over 600 members. 

Mrs Shave continued: "When we left Evesham everyone was in the street taking pictures. 

"It was great seeing the looks on people's faces as we drove past, but the best part was when we arrived at the event. 

"Everyone was so shocked to see so many motorbikes, she hadn't told anyone.

"They won the best arrival award and were given little trophies to keep, it was really special.

"I would like to thank Andrew Bourne for providing and driving the car and Toya Hill for making the lovely ribbons.

"It was a great night and we were able to make it a special night for a special person."