A top tug-of-war team has been left 'homeless' and 'stunned' after the council removed its practice equipment without warning. 

Worcester Themmadi, had been practising at the play area near Shap Drive Community Centre for the last two years but their equipment was removed on June 20 after 'a child was hurt'. 

The team, which was crowned one of the best in the UK following last year's tug-of-war championships, is looking for a new home after their practice equipment was removed by Worcester City Council. 

Team manager Thomas Maphai Kondoor said: "We were told the equipment had been removed because a child had been injured and the council didn't want it to happen again.

"It was shocking for us because we had no idea that anything had happened.

"We all live in Worcester and it's great to represent the city."

Fellow team manager Jose Mathai said: “We compete most weekends from June to September and need to practice on weekday evenings because of our work shifts.

"Last year we won the UK championships and we came second in a tournament in Chicago.

"We are due to compete this Saturday (June 29) in Sutton Coldfield and on July 7 in Tunbridge Wells.

"On July 13 we are hosting a tournament in Worcester and teams will be coming here from all over the UK.

"But if we cannot train using our weights system, we will not be successful in the competitions."

The team is currently working with Worcester City Council to design and install a purpose-built training rig at a sports centre. 

In the meantime, they are looking for a temporary site for practice in or around Worcester and ask anyone who can help to email: worcesterthemmadi@gmail.com

Team captain Shiju Alex said: “This could not have come at a worse time.

"Please could someone help us - all we need is a plain piece of land with a pole or tree that we can attach our pulley system onto, for lifting a weight of about 600 - 900kg.

"Ideally with a tarmac or smooth concrete surface about 7 metres long, but to be honest we would be grateful for anything at this stage."

The team has had some of the equipment returned including the cage and the crate, but is still waiting for the ropes and cable ties.

A Worcester City Council spokesperson said: "We are supporting the tug-of-war team to find a more suitable and sustainable training venue, following a range of complaints received in connection with their training arrangements at Shap Drive."