THE well-known British RAF aerobatic team the Red Arrows will be flying over towns an hour from Worcester on Saturday - here's all the best times and locations to see them. 

The Red Arrows will be flying over the Cotswolds on their way back to Bournemouth after a display in Shuttleworth and Cleethorpes. 

The planes will pass over the Cotswolds on Saturday evening (June 29). 

According to, the Red Arrows will be flying directly over Long Compton, Evenlode and Upper Swell.

However they should also be visible from Moreton and Stow.

Exact times Red Arrows will fly over the Cotswolds on their way to Bournemouth:

- Slapton: 7.15pm 

- Helmdon: 7.16pm 

- Banbury: 7.17pm 

-Andoversford: 7.21pm

A spokesperson for the Red Lion Inn in Long Compton said: "We are thoroughly excited to see them fly over and it will be great for the village. 

"It will be great to see a big British institute within Long Compton."