A KIND-hearted woman is doing her bit to ensure her beloved Funfords Mini Farm can stay open. 

Around 300 animals are at risk of having nowhere to live in 12 weeks if Funfords Mini Farm cannot find a new home.

The charity, which is currently in Callow End, near Worcester, rescues unwanted animals and allows them to live out the rest of their lives in peace. 

Gemma Dewey said she was devastated to hear the mini farm was under threat and has set up a community raffle to raise crucial funds to find somewhere else for it. 

The charity not only looks after any animal that comes its way but also regularly provides a space for disabled adults and those suffering from mental health issues.

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Miss Dewey used to live near the farm and regularly visits with her daughters, four-year-old Hallie-May and 13-year-old Riley-May. 

Keen to help the farm reach the farm's £10,000 target to relocate the animals, Miss Dewey decided to get in touch with several local businesses to see if they could donate raffle prizes. 

Prizes donated in the raffle include a £40 voucher from Beefy Boys, a £50 voucher from Bills and two free tickets to West Midlands Safari Park. 

Miss Dewey said she was really surprised by how generous many of the small businesses in particular were when donating to the raffle. 

She added: "I love this place, my daughters love it too and I want to keep it open.

"It's brilliant there, you get to cuddle the animals and it's lovely to have quality time with friends and family there. 

"I'm really pleased how many smaller businesses have helped, I guess it is because they understand how hard it is to stay open and would hope if roles were reversed people would do the same for them. 

"Hopefully this will help towards relocating all the animals into their new home."

Raffle tickets will cost £1 each with the raffle to be drawn live on Saturday, July 27. 

Contact Gemma Dewey on Facebook to enter the raffle. 

We contacted the letting agency Halls for comment but it was unable to comment by the time we went to press.