THE death of a woman who fell and fractured her hip while she was in hospital has sparked a change in procedure.

Susan Edwards had been in Worcestershire Royal Hospital for nearly a month with a suspected urinary tract infection (UTI) when she fell and fractured her hip.

The fall led the 74-year-old to deteriorate and die on October 10, 2023  from a suspected blood clot in the artery of her lung - more formally called a pulmonary embolus.

During the inquest, it was discovered that Mrs Edwards should have been provided with a mechanical thromboprophylaxis when she was first admitted to hospital.

This could have prevented blood clots from forming in the lungs and legs and could save someone's life.

Dr Jules Walton, chief medical officer at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, said the trust has now implemented measures to prevent future deaths in this manner.

David Reid, Worcestershire senior coroner, said he was concerned that future deaths may happen if measures are not taken to ensure thromboprophylaxis is used.

He added: "On October 17, 2023, I commenced an investigation and opened an inquest into the death of Susan Lynne Edwards.

"The conclusion of the inquest was that Mrs Edwards died as the result of a recognized complication of an accidental fall.

"Although I was satisfied that, in this case, the provision of mechanical thromboprophylaxis would probably not have prevented Mrs Edwards’ death.

"I am concerned that no system appears to be in place at Worcestershire Royal Hospital to ensure that such an instruction is carried out and as long as that remains the case, the lives of patients who require thromboprophylaxis during a hospital admission may be put at risk."

Dr Walton added: “We would like to send our condolences to Mrs Edwards’ family.

"An investigation in relation to Mrs Edwards’ death was carried out in line with our Patient Safety Framework and an action plan put in place.

"We have received the coroner’s report and this is being actioned.”