THERE were screams of excitement as a city make-up artist placed in the top ten at the annual Hair and Beauty Awards. 

Jordan Wickham, who owns Gloss Studios in The Tything, entered two categories at the awards -  make up artist of the year and best bridal individual - making the finals in both. 

The winners were announced at an awards evening in Birmingham on Saturday, June 1.

Miss Wickham placed eighth in the UK for make-up artist of the year and 20th for best bridal individual.

Miss Wickham said: " I entered and decided to watch from home. 

"The top 50 make the finals and I didn't even think I had made it because I had not been informed. 

"So as you can imagine it was a huge shock when my name was read out, the whole living room got thrown up and everyone got up and screamed. 

"It was a big shock, I didn't think I had made the top 50, but I think it's nicer this way as I didn't expect to be called. 

"There's a certificate and trophy on the way and we had a party at home with all the girls who work at the studio, we had food and cake and it was really nice."

Miss Wickham has been a make up artist for the last eight years and opened Gloss Studios in The Tything three years ago.

Miss Wickham continued: "It's massive for me and the studio, I think it's hard to get recognition in the industry, it's easier with lashes, but make up is so personal and people are more picky, it's hard to get your name out there.

"It's definitely the biggest achievement of my career, I've had lots of new clients message me and brides saying that they are so lucky to have me. 

"I'm feeling more respected and more people are getting to know me.

"I started in my dad's garage in Droitwich at 17 and kicked him out. 

"I then went mobile and a salon at 18 for four years before rebranding to Gloss Studios three years ago."