The Windrush Generation's role in re-building Britain following the Second World War is set to be celebrated in Worcester.

The celebration will take place on Windrush Day on Saturday (June 22) at Cathedral Square at 11am.

The event, organised by Worcester City Council, will honour the people who arrived in the UK on the HMT Empire Windrush passenger ship in 1948, and the estimated 500,000 who landed on British shores from the Caribbean over the next 23 years.

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The event will include speeches that about the significance of their arrival and the contributions of the Windrush Generation to Britain.

The ceremony will also see the official Windrush Day flag raised.

Following the official ceremony, the Jamaica Wah Gwaan restaurant in Lowesmoor will extend the day's festivities well into the afternoon, offering traditional domino games and Caribbean finger food until 3pm.

Manager of the restaurant, Selasie Clarke, said: "I'm looking forward to this day, let's celebrate Windrush Day and pay gratitude to all those before us who paved the way to this life we live now and made so many things possible."

On the initial Windrush Day the HMT Empire Windrush, teeming with 1,027 passengers from Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Kenya, and South Africa, docked in Essex.

They played a key role in Britain's recovery, maintaining public transport operations, boosting the country's coal, steel, iron and food production, and supporting the National Health Service (NHS) and armed forces.

Eloise Spence from the Worcester Afro Caribbean Association said: "The Windrush Generation has paved the way for our present generation.

"It is good that after 75 years, these pioneers are recognised for their contribution to this country."

She added: “The Windrush Generation endured a lot and have come through with their heads held high. “Now it is for us to carry on where they left off. I hope recognising these pioneers will continue so that the younger generation will know the struggle they have been through.

"The Windrush Generation will never be forgotten."

Eltayeb Bashar of the Worcester Anti-Racism Initiative said: "We all owe the Windrush Generation so much and this is our opportunity to show our gratitude and appreciation for their sacrifice."