A University of Worcester student has received an international award.

PhD student Andrea Tapia Arenas was recognised by the Compostela Group of Universities for the quality of her research pitch, securing third place at their Research Pitches Contest.

Ms Arenas researched ways to better monitor bumblebee habitats using remote sensing data.

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She said: "I hoped I would do well in the competition, because the video pitch you make for it is out there so other researchers that are doing similar work, or who are interested in that area of study can see what you're doing and contact you, it's like networking."

Alongside the certificate, she received a €300 prize.

Ms Arenas is reaching the end of her PhD, and hopes her research will influence how bumblebee habitats are assessed.

She believes her research will provide essential data, and have a broader impact.

She said: "I think it will be very helpful for decision makers, because being able to access data remotely gives them the information they need."

Ms Arenas added: "People who work in this area of research only have so much money and so many resources.

"The work they do in the field is time consuming as it has to be done regularly to make sure that bumblebees have the resources they need."

The University of Worcester is the only UK institute among the Compostela Group of Universities, a global network spanning South and Central America, Asia, and Europe.

The group aims to share ideas from across the planet.

Its Research Pitches Contest provides a platform for students to showcase their investigations, identify funding and form global connections.