A COUNTY midwife wants to promote antenatal exercise for pregnant women in Worcester.

Rosie Bligh, also a personal trainer, runs Glowing Mamma with classes running across Worcestershire.

Its instructors lead specialist midwife-led fitness classes including in and around the city at United Reformed Church, Albany Terrace, St Nicholas Barn, St Nicholas Lane, and Norton Parish Hall.

Worcester-based Rosie, a mother-of-four, said: “A lot of women presume once you fall pregnant you have to either stop exercising or move to something gentler such as yoga or swimming. But this absolutely is not the case!

“Strength training in pregnancy is not only safe but highly beneficial for both mum and baby.

“Latest research tells us that women who strength train through their pregnancies are less likely to have complications and tend to have a faster first and second stage of labour.

“They also have quicker, more straight-forward recoveries postnatally too.

“However, it is essential with exercising in pregnancy that you are doing it correctly and safely by someone who has had the required training and is insured to coach pregnant women.

“As a bare minimum, your coach should be level three antenatal and postnatal fitness-trained.

“At Glowing Mamma, all our coaches are both experienced midwives on the NMC (The Nursing and Midwifery Council) register and level three antenatal and postnatal fitness-trained.

“Each class is carefully programmed with individual participants in mind, taking into account their current pregnancy and any pre-existing health conditions.

“Adaptations are also offered where required, meaning classes are suitable for all pregnant women able to exercise in pregnancy.

“Every new participant receives a free taster session and Glowing Mamma also funds one space per class for someone who would love to attend but finances might prevent this.

“To join, head to www.glowingmamma.co.uk and follow the link to book, entering promo code ‘TASTER’ at checkout.”

Rosie, 32, added: “It was during my pregnancy with my third child I really discovered the benefits of exercise in pregnancy, during labour and afterwards for postnatal healing.

“I decided I wanted to share these amazing benefits with other new mums and so undertook a level two gym instructor and level three antenatal and postnatal training certificate.

“The idea behind Glowing Mamma is it’s not just a ‘fitness class’.

“All our classes follow a similar format — we start with introductions and getting to know one another.

“This is a really important part of the session because it gets mammas talking to one another and sharing experiences.

“After socialising, we then move on to a bit of a stretch with elements of yoga, used to warm the muscles and help alleviate any pregnancy or postnatal aches or discomforts.

“This is followed by a ‘workout session’ primarily using strength training and weights to strengthen key muscle groups which will support our body during pregnancy, shorten labour length and reduce healing time postnatally.

“This is followed by pelvic floor, an essential part of our programme to help strengthen and reduce risk of incontinence or prolapse.”

For more information, email Rosie at info@glowingmamma.co.uk.