A RELAXING trip to the beach was cut short for an off-duty part-time firefighter who spotted a woman drowning in the sea.

Anthony Wilson, of Desjardins Way, Pershore, was on holiday in Corfu with his family on Monday, June 3 when he noticed a woman lying face down in the water.

Mr Wilson, as a member of South Worcester Lifeguards and a part-time firefighter, recognised the danger, ran down the beach and swam out to sea.

After turning her body face up, Mr Wilson could see the woman was not breathing.

Mr Wilson then pulled the woman to shore and performed CPR while other holidaymakers went to collect the nearest defibrillator. 

Mr Wilson said: "I wasn't expecting to be saving lives on my holiday but as soon as I started CPR I just kicked into work mode.

"I just wanted to do the best I can to bring this woman back.

"There was a lot of people with eyes on me which was a bit daunting, but I knew what I was doing."

Mr Wilson was able to perform CPR on the woman until emergency services arrived and took her to the nearest hospital. The woman, who was from the Netherlands, arrived at hospital in a critical condition.

Adrian Mayhew is a trustee of South Worcester Lifeguards and has commended Mr Wilson for his quick response to the incident.

He said: "His action this week has allowed the lady to make it to hospital where she is stable but still critical."

As a member of South Worcester Lifeguards, Mr Mayhew felt it important to highlight how important safety in water is.

According to the Royal Life Saving Society, an average of 307 people die every year from drowning. 

As a part of South Worcester Lifeguards, Mr Wilson also assists in the Flood Rescue Unit. This team are specially trained in dealing with situations in swiftwater and flooded environments. The Flood Rescue Unit has previously been deployed to flood events across the UK, including Somerset, York and South Wales.

South Worcester Lifeguards is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and is always looking for new members.