Nigel Huddleston is set to keep hold of his Droitwich and Evesham seat according to the latest YouGov poll.

The projection, which uses survey data to predict what would happen if the general election happened now rather than on July 4, has the Tories winning the seat with 39 percent of the vote.

Mr Huddleston has been the area’s MP since 2015 and is once again the Conservative candidate this year.

TORY: Nigel Huddleston has been the MP for the area since 2015TORY: Nigel Huddleston has been the MP for the area since 2015 (Image: Nigel Huddleston)

YouGov has Labour finishing second in the race for the old Mid-Worcestershire seat with 30 percent.

They have Reform UK on 14 per cent, the Lib Dems on 12 per cent and the Greens on five.

Nationally, the poll projects a landslide victory for Labour, with the Tories having their worst general election since 1906 and the Lib Dems becoming the third biggest party in the Commons again, overtaking the SNP.

Oliver Walker, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Droitwich and Evesham, said: “The YouGov poll is based on the national polling being projected onto the 2019 GE results, which isn’t necessarily an accurate display of voter intent.

CAMPAIGN: Oliver Walker is the Lib Dem choice for the constituencyCAMPAIGN: Oliver Walker is the Lib Dem choice for the constituency (Image: Oliver Walker)

“And a lot has happened since then.

“The Liberal Democrats have consistently been the challengers across the area.

“In the local elections last May we won seats across our villages from Drakes Broughton, Norton and Whittington all the way to Fladbury. We increased our number of votes across the constituency making us the official opposition.

“From the canvassing we have done it is clear people want change. They want to see an MP fight for the NHS, tackle the cost of living and put a stop to the sewage being pumped into our waterways.”

REFORM: Sam Bastow says the party's policies are resonating with votersREFORM: Sam Bastow says the party's policies are resonating with voters (Image: Sam Bastow)

Reform UK candidate Sam Bastow said: “So far we are receiving very positive feedback from the electorate about Reform UK.

“We know the constituency of Droitwich and Evesham is a Tory stronghold and our policies resonate with traditional Conservatives.

“It will obviously be a big task to overturn the majority they hold, but not impossible.”

We also contacted Tory candidate Nigel Huddleston, Labour’s Chipiliro Kalebe-Nyamongo, the Green Party’s Neil Franks and Social Democratic Party candidate Andrew Flaxman for comment.