Concerns have been raised over plans to open a dog walking field next to a city primary school.

The owners of a secure dog walking area off School Bank in Claines want to open up another facility over the road.

But the field borders Claines CE Primary School, prompting neighbours to object with safety concerns.

Worcester News: CONCERNS: The proposed site is next to Claines Primary SchoolCONCERNS: The proposed site is next to Claines Primary School (Image: Harrison Pick)

Farmers RH Philips & Co have already opened two dog walking fields in Claines but, according to planning documents, are still unable to meet demand.

“The dog parks have been well received within the local community with nothing but support and praise being offered since the enterprise began operating in 2022,” the planning statement says.

The facility is described as being suitable for all types of dogs but particularly “nervous or reactive dogs”.

“As with the existing dog field, the park would have a double gated handling area to keep entry safe.”

Four parking spaces would be provided for the new development.

Residents have raised a number of concerns over the proposed location of the new dog walking field.

Rachel King said: “This dog field is designed for dogs who can not be let off their leads in public because it is unsafe to do so, due to the dog temperament or breed.

“Having a dog field adjacent to a school creates a higher risk of a nervous or dangerous dog gaining access to primary age children.

“It does not matter how high the fence is or how secure we are assured it will be, the council can not accept the increased risk to children while they are in school.”

Julie Groves said: “My children attend Claines Primary. The parking is already very dangerous with people parking on double yellow lines and the zig zags. In the six years I have been taking my children to school the danger has increased and I have witnessed several near misses with children almost being knocked over.

“I am worried one day there will be a fatality outside this school and the likelihood increases the more traffic there is and a new field would increase the traffic.”