THERE has been growing concern about sightings of Asian Hornets across the country recently- but have any been spotted in Worcestershire?

The irritable Asian Hornet has, thankfully, not had a confirmed sighting in Worcestershire yet, although many inquiries from worried residents fearing they have spotted one have been made. 

And now Worcestershire Wildlife Trust has urged people to report any sightings of the Asian Hornet to the government. 

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The first sighting of the Asian hornet in the UK came in 2016, but, for the first time, it has survived the British winter. 

The Trust has also revealed sightings of the massive native European Hornets are quite common across the county. 

Although fairly similar, there are ways to spot the difference between Asian Hornets and their more docile counterparts. 

A European hornet is larger than its Asian counterparts and has yellow heads from the front and red from above. 

The abdomen is mostly pale yellow with black stripes while its legs are black and reddish brown. 

Meanwhile, the smaller Asian Hornets have orange heads from the front, while the abdomen is almost entirely dark, with fine yellow stripes and a yellow or orange fourth segment near the base.

It also has legs with yellow tips. 

The Asian hornets are known to prey on insects, including honey bees and other pollinators. 

They are considered a major threat to bee colonies and other UK species. 

A spokesperson for Worcestershire Wildlife Trust said: “The European Hornet is quite common, it’s really docile, more similar to a bumble bee and doesn’t sting or attack unless provoked, they’re not as much as a threat.  

“The Asian Hornet is a worry, as if it does set up nest it would attack a bumble bee nest.

“Anyone who believes they have spotted one must report it straight away.”

Visit or contact Worcestershire Wildlife Trust to report an Asian Hornet sighting.