A MAN has been pretending to run the city's Peregrine Project to speak to members of the public.

Peregrine Falcons in Worcester, based at the Cathedral, has issued a warning after being made aware that a man has been claiming to be part of their team.

It has led the team to urge people to report any more incidents to them and warn that they do not endorse him.

A spokesperson for Peregrine Falcons in Worcester said: "We’ve been made aware of (sadly) an individual claiming to the public, to be a monitoring team member and also that they the run the project, recently at the nest viewing area.

"Obviously, the majority of Mr and Mrs P fans know who we are from your many kind visits to the nest site viewing area.

"We are - the majority of the time- present in number, never alone.

"We work in close conjunction with residents on College Green and cathedral employees.

"This individual is not a team member, and not endorsed by us.

The man has been spotted near the nest viewing area.

However, Peregrine Falcons in Worcester has warned that their team only gives talks on the Guestern lawned area and does not stand by the low wall adjacent to the road in College Green.

The team added: "We can only apologise - you visit in good faith, and put your trust in us to safeguard the peregrines.

"This individual does not represent us in any capacity.

"The individual in question is neither qualified to monitor or rescue birds nor endorsed by us or any authority concerned with birds in any way.

"Please report any further incidents to us."

Next year, the Peregrine Falcons in Worcester team will be wearing low visibility vests so they are more identifiable to the public and to stop incidents like this in the future. 

Four peregrine chicks were born at Worcester Cathedral earlier this year and recently received their names.

The young birds are named Shaun, John, Liz, and The Ball.