A FOX sign has been forcibly removed from a nature reserve in Worcester. 

The Friends of Laugherne Brook sign has been pulled out by vandals at the nature reserve.

Bertie Ballinger, of The Friends of Laugherne Brook, said: "The sign has been there for years and years, longer than I have lived in this area. 

"It was quite an old sign and we had a meeting only last week to discuss litter picking, fundraising and whether to restore or get a new sign because of wear and tear. 

"Now only a couple of days later it's been pulled out. 

"We have decided not to put it back yet as it was cemented in. 

"The person that did this must have spent hours, but that begs the question, why do it in the first place?

"Unfortunately anti-social behaviour is increasing in our communities, and our beloved mascot is its latest victim."

The next pop-up will be on Sunday, June 9 from 10am to midday.