HUNDREDS of videos showing poor driving standards taken via dash and body-worn cameras were submitted to West Mercia Police in just two months.

Drivers have been prosecuted under Operation Snap after 934 reports were made across the force area.

Operation Snap is a system where the general public can submit footage showing traffic offences being carried out by others on the roads.

Offences the police are interested in include ignoring red lights, solid white lines or speeding. 

The most common offence recorded by West Mercia Police in March and April 2024 was careless driving which accounted for 67 per cent of all reported offences. 

More specifically, West Mercia Roads Policing confirmed that 35 per cent of all submissions were close passes between cars and cycles.

Of the 934 reports, 527 have been referred to prosecution and 235 have resulted in individuals receiving visits from officers or letters of advice.

The remaining 172 had no further action taken due to either no offence being committed or the offence taking place outside of West Mercia Police's jurisdiction.

Operation Snap was originally developed in Wales, but was quickly introduced across the rest of the UK.

West Mercia has run the scheme since 2018.

The aim of the operation is to crackdown on dangerous motoring offences by using information and footage from the public.