THERE were 13 children injured as pedestrians in Worcester between 2021 and 2022, shocking new statistics show.

And now a key city active travel campaigner has called for change to ensure crashes involving a p0edestrian are no longer considered 'collateral damage.'

New figures reported there were six child pedestrian injuries in Worcester in 2021, rising to seven the following year.

The new investigation from Personal Injury Claims UK (PICUK) analysed figures from 304 local authority districts across the country.

The firm's road specialist, Mike Higgins, said the figures were extremely concerning.

Elsewhere, there were eight child pedestrian injuries in Malvern between 2021 and 2022, while in Wychavon there were five youngsters injured over the same period.

Across Worcestershire, there were 54 child pedestrian injuries recorded. 

Most of these numbers are slight injuries, and none were killed.  

However, across the entirety of England, there were a staggering 33,212 children killed or injured on roads in England between 2021 and 2022.

A spokesperson for the Department of Transport confirmed that figures are not currently available for the years 2023 and 2024. 

Bike Worcester chair Dan Brothwell said the figures were shocking and should not be tolerated.

"We seem to have reached a point in society where road traffic collisions are accepted and almost seen as collateral damage.

"We need to look at the underlying issues such as illegal driving.

"Drivers are the cause of the risk and that needs to change."

Mike Higgins, PICUK road specialist, added: “These figures are extremely concerning. Children are particularly vulnerable to potential dangers on the roads.

"As a pedestrian, you are owed a duty of care from other road users including drivers and cyclists. 

"In cases where this duty of care has been breached, it can cause not only physical harm but psychological harm.

"We hope that these figures highlight the necessary concerns and spark action to ensure that pedestrians, particularly children, are safe."

A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: “Each child has the right to be able to use the roads safely.

"Enforcing the law on the roads in order to keep pedestrians safe is a 24/7 operation for West Mercia Police.

"We work on a number of campaigns and operations throughout the year, alongside our partner agencies, focusing on improving safety for our more vulnerable road users, which includes children of this age group”.