A Peopleton school's pupils are ranked in the top five per cent in mathematics in the UK.

Year seven and eight top set students at Bowbrook School in Peopleton took part in the UK Junior Maths Challenge, securing the high ranking in competition with nearly 250,000 participating students across the country.

The contest is aimed at the top third of year eight and below students nationwide.

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Gold certificate recipients from the school, an accolade reserved for the top five per cent, were Ed Fallows and Max Ford, both from year seven.

Ed was also noted as the best performer in the school.

Silver awards, which are reserved for the next 15 per cent, went to year sevens Tai Camadoo and Bobby Rushton, and Evie Clarke in year eight, who was ranked the best in her year.

Olly Peacop, Ben Rollason and Tom Wilson in year seven, and Zoe Mudd and George Tocknell in year eight received bronze awards, which go to the next 20 per cent.