A popular annual village fete held at an iconic Worcestershire country house has drawn thousands despite organisers fearing that they might have had to cancel.

A very successful Madresfield Court Village Fete drew thousands on June 1 to the delight of all those who were involved. 

Worcester News: Madresfield CourtMadresfield Court (Image: Daniel Kelly)

People of all ages paid the £5 entry fee to view the house's beautiful gardens along with a bird show, a dog show, many stalls and vintage cars.

There had been concerns from organisers that the event could be cancelled due to the site's car park being affected by bad weather.

Worcester News: Helen James (left), Harvey (middle), Angela Browne (right)Helen James (left), Harvey (middle), Angela Browne (right) (Image: Daniel Kelly)

Helen James and support dog Harvey, who also came to the fete last year, said: "We came because it's very exclusive and it's not really very easy to get in normally. 

"I came last year and it was really nice. 

"The gardens are really really peaceful, it's great to have time out and it's a step back in time. 

"There's a lot more people than I thought would turn up. 

"The lady at the gate seemed to be really surprised with the crowds.

"The car park is absolutely rammed which is a good sign. 

"I have enjoyed it so far, I am enjoying the Inches cider as well.

"I'm meeting a close friend here, it's a good place to catch up."

The fete, which has become a Madresfield tradition had over 50 stalls and a petting zoo.

Worcester News: A family day out, L-R, Rosie Turner, Mark Dennis, Caroline turner and her daughterA family day out, L-R, Rosie Turner, Mark Dennis, Caroline turner and her daughter (Image: Daniel Kelly)

Rosie Turner who attended the fete with her family said: "I didn't know what to expect but it's better than I had expected. 

"There's a lot more people and it's always nice to look at nice cars. 

"My husband used to work as a guide here and we saw it advertised and it's a nice house. 

"Some of the family haven't seen it before and we are very very impressed. 

"We are looking forward to the dog show and the granddaughter got to hold a small owl at the falcon show.

"There is a lot to look at and do."

All proceeds from the event will go towards Madresfield Primary School and St Mary’s Church.

The building has been home to the Lygon family for nearly 900 years.