THE tireless work of hundreds of volunteers at a city-based hospice will be celebrated next week.

St Richard’s Hospice will join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations recognising the contribution volunteers make across the UK during Volunteers’ Week.

In the 12 months ending in March, St Richard’s volunteers gave more than 110,000 hours of their time to support the charity. There are now 790 volunteers working in 32 different roles across the organisation.

Chief executive Mike Wilkerson said, “Our volunteers support every aspect of hospice life, from patient and family care to administration, helping at fundraising events, gardening and working in our charity shops and warehouse.

“We are so grateful for all the time and dedication given by our fantastic volunteers. The time, skills and life experience they give to St Richard’s makes an invaluable contribution to our care.”

St Richard’s will be celebrating and thanking volunteers at a special event at the hospice. They also hope to inspire people to become volunteers by sharing stories from a number of those who give up their time for the charity.

One of these is Tracy Perkins who is a volunteer in the hospice charity shop in Evesham, keeping the bric-a-brac section looking tip-top.

Worcester News: STAR: Tracy Perkins volunteering in the St Richard’s Evesham charity shopSTAR: Tracy Perkins volunteering in the St Richard’s Evesham charity shop (Image: Newsquest)

After being made redundant from her job, she decided to try volunteering to keep her busy.

“I enjoy the work in a shop environment and also the social side of being with colleagues and customers,” she explained.

Following a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), the volunteer has accessed a range of support from the teams at St Richard’s including counselling and Living Well Services.  

“For someone contemplating volunteering I would simply say: ‘do it’.

“It is such a great experience and for such a worthwhile cause.”

St Richard’s also welcomes corporate volunteer teams to donate their time.

Recently a team from Worcester City Council’s Corporate Policy and Strategy service spent the day taking on jobs in the hospice courtyard garden.

“Volunteering at St Richard’s was such a rewarding experience and great way to learn about the invaluable service they provide to the community,” said Natalie Kemp, corporate strategy, performance and development officer.

“The staff were welcoming and informative, and it really came across how important volunteers were to the running of the hospice and ensuring its future. Being such a bright and positive place, it was a pleasure to spend time there doing something to benefit others. I would encourage others to find out more and support where possible.”

Find out more  information, visit or by calling the People Services Team on 01905 763963.