A Worcestershire biker group is to ride around the county to raise money for an injured woman after a biker allegedly spooked her horse.

Steel Horse Bike Nights, who have around 2,000 members have decided to raise money for Alicia Askey, a woman who was left with two broken ankles and a broken leg in early May after a motorcyclist allegedly spooked her horse.

She was forced to close her business while she recovers.

Neil Middleton, co-founder of the group, said: "We started around five years ago and we do a lot of charity rides. 

"We saw Alicia's story and thought that we ought to do something because it's not something that people like us do.

"All the bikers I know are genuine and generous, as far as me and my wife (Julie) are concerned, it's disgusting.

"When passing horses you should do it quietly which is what most bikers do. 

"Obviously take a wide approach and if you have to stop, stop."

Miss Askey was left fearing that she was paralysed after her horse was spooked in Defford on May 8.

Mr Middleton continued: "We will be riding around Worcestershire on June 9 starting and finishing at The Oak Inn in Defford.

"It's a nice route for bikers, it's steady and there's no traffic lights.

"A friend has a three-wheeled trike and Miss Askey has agreed to join us. 

"You can never tell till the day how many people are going to turn up but I would say maybe 50. 

"If it's pouring some people might not bother because we all have nice shiny bikes.

"The description of the biker is that of a typical biker, I mean we wear very similar stuff but it doesn't mean all bikers go around scaring horses."

Miss Askey said: "I'm really grateful, it's really kind that they are doing this because no one has really bothered.

"It means a lot. 

"I'm going to attempt to go on a trike as my legs are a bit better. 

"It has been three weeks now and I'm feeling a lot better than I was in hospital."

Miss Askey has been left traumatised after the incident in which she needed surgery after breaking both her ankles and her left tibia. 

The ride should take around one hour and starts at 3pm.

Riders will travel from Defford to Spetchley to Alcester and Evesham before returning to The Oak Inn.

A West Mercia Police spokesperson said: "The incident was reported to us around 4pm on May 8.

"The incident was investigated as far as reasonably possible, but no suspect was identified.

"The case has been closed, however should further information become available this would be investigated."