A CHARITY staff member donned her running shoes to take on a 90-kilometre run inside 24 hours.

Emma Georgiou successfully tackled the 56-mile challenge for Worcester-based Headway Worcestershire.

Family, friends and colleagues supported Emma whose running route took her around Worcester after she started at 4am.

She works in the outreach department at Headway Worcestershire and helps to look after clients who experience an acquired brain injury (ABI).

In the United Kingdom every 90 seconds someone is admitted to hospital with an ABI so it was following a conversation Emma had in November last year that the 90 challenge was formed.

This has now been opened up to anyone who wants to create a unique 90 challenge for the charity during 2024 with fundraisers hoping to get to £9,000 by the end of the year.

Emma said: “I had been training very hard since Christmas through hip and back pain and going to osteopath appointments to be able to get to attempt this challenge.”

She said the “crazy journey” covered two marathons plus four miles all in one go.

To support Emma, visit justgiving.com/campaign/90challengeforheadwayworcestershire.

For more details on the challenge, go to headwayworcestershire.org.uk/the-90-challenge.

Ideas of possible quests include 90 games of scrabble, 90 gym sessions, visiting 90 cities on a Peloton, 90 attempts at juggling and running 90 metres every day for a month.

Gregory’s Mill Street-based Headway Worcestershire supports adults affected by ABI across the county.

It offers specialist support, information and services to brain injury survivors, their families and carers as well as to professionals in the health and legal fields.

The charity’s vision is to recognise that every brain injury affects different people in different ways.

It tailors support to meet people’s needs and circumstances.