A commemoration service is set to be held at Gheluvelt Park to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

On Saturday, June 22, the Worcester Branch of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regimental Association (WFRA) will hold the service at the Worcestershire Regimental Stone in Gheluvelt Park, opposite the Memorial Archway gates on Barbourne Road.

The event will be held alongside other organisation's and Worcester City Council's, marking the landings on June 6, 1944.


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The regiment landed in Normandy later, on June 22, due to storms and logistical issues.

Attendees at the service will include the Vice Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff.

The ceremony is set to begin at 10.30am, spanning between 45 minutes to an hour.

The ceremony will begin with the Standards being dipped in salute to the Lord Lieutenant.

Attendees can look forward to an address by Lt Col (Retd.) Mark Jackson OBE, chair of trustees of the Mercian Regiment Worcestershire and president of Worcester Branch W.F.R.A.

In his speech, he will comment on the Regiment's delayed arrival in Normandy and their subsequent fight through the region as part of the 43rd Wessex Division and Northern Europe.

Reverend Lindsey Coulthard of St Stephens will conduct the religious ceremony, and a reading will be given by a member of the Worcester Branch W.F.R.A.

The ceremony will be open to the public.