A DRINK driver has admitted driving at more than twice the alcohol limit and now faces an inevitable ban.

Timothy Southorn admitted driving with excess alcohol in his Audi before the case was heard by magistrates in Worcester on May 24.

However, the case had to be adjourned to allow the defendant to come to court because he was out of the country when the hearing took place at the court in the city's Castle Street.

Southorn, 63, of Worcester Road, Malvern, pleaded guilty to driving an Audi with excess alcohol in Wyche Road in Malvern on February 17. A guilty plea was entered on April 25.

The alcohol reading was 83 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, more than twice the legal limit of the 35 microgrammes. 

Magistrates adjourned the case until July 5 to allow the defendant to attend court for the sentence (he was not in the country at the time of the hearing on May 24).

The sentence at Worcester Magistrates Court is expected to take 30 minutes.