The UK's leading end-of-life charity is urging keen quizzers to host Big Summer Quiz fundraisers.

Marie Curie, which offers care and support for people with terminal conditions, is calling on the trivia titans and quiz lovers of the West Midlands to organise quizzes in support of the charity.

In the region, the charity provides services including home nursing and support hubs at the Marie Curie hospice in Solihull.



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Community fundraiser for the region, Ben Thomas, said: "Whether you’re a maths whiz or a hobby entomologist, put your brain power towards a great cause this summer by hosting or participating in a Big Summer Quiz to help support the crucial work Marie Curie does across the UK.

"Today, one in four people don't get the care and support they need at the end of life.

"Living with a terminal illness is a rollercoaster of practical needs and emotions.

“For people experiencing dying, death, or bereavement, there’s no guarantee that services available to them can meet all their needs 24/7 or that they will be supported emotionally to cope."

He added: "Every pound raised is vital to help us improve end of life care and give people in the West Midlands the vital emotional and practical help they need."

Information is available at or through their free information and support service on 0800 090 2309.