TWO football teams from the Worcester area are pictured in the late 1990s.

Bell Athletic line up for a photo in April 1997, back row (left to right): P Dinsey, P Godby, A Davies, M Pearce, J Barnes, M Dolochin, J Preece, R Yapp and M Hemming.

Front: M Newman, T Hudspith, J Wilkinson, P Hayler and M Roberts.

It was the same season that Bell finished runners-up in the Worcester and District League’s Phipps Cup final to Hallow WMC Reserves.

Fernhill Heath also take time out for a picture in September 1999.

The village side line up, back row: Keith Pedlingham, Rod Phyliss, John Parkinson, John Smith, S Perry, G Watson, Andy Wallis, Andy Last, Steve Smith and Steve Weston.

Front: Rich Price, Darren Smith, Mark Taylor, Glen Burrow, Dave Wright, Martin Denson and Rob Humphries.

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