LABOUR'S candidate to be Worcester's next MP feels July's general election is the city's chance to 'choose change.' 

Tom Collins added Worcester has had enough of the 'chaos' in Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's current Conservative government. 

Worcester and the rest of the country will go to the polls on Thursday, July 4. 

Mr Collins, who has previously served on Worcester City Council, said he felt the national Labour Party had changed and was 'ready to serve the country.' 

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"The people I speak to in Worcester have had enough of the collapse in our public services and a cost of living crisis that is far from over.

"Things can be different, I believe there’s real hope, and the Labour Party will put ordinary working people at the heart of our plan to build a better future."

The Worcester News spoke to fellow candidates Marc Bayliss (Conservative), Tor Pingree (Green) and Mel Allcott (Liberal Democrats) following the Prime Minister's announcement. However, Mr Collins was not available at the time.

Mr Collins also pledged to help his party get the British economy back on a stable footing, revive the NHS and make it fit for the future. 

Other promises from Mr Collins included helping to pioneer Great British Energy, cleaning up water companies, tackling antisocial behaviour and crime and breaking down barriers to opportunity. 

He added: "Worcester should be at the front of this change - with our wealth of small independent businesses, and the chance to be at the cutting edge of training a new generation of medics. 

"Our city has an exciting future ahead of it, now is the time to turn the page and choose change."

Mr Collins has lived in Worcester for the past 17 years.

He said during his time as a city councillor, he has made a difference in the lives of many in Worcester who face the 'tough reality of life.'