A 31-year-old man has been fined for having a pool ball in a sock as an 'offensive weapon' in a public place.

Jason Barnett of Bromyard Road, St John's, Worcester admitted possessing an offensive weapon (a pool ball in a sock) when he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court earlier this month.

The offence happened in Angel Street in Worcester on Sunday, February 18 this year.  The charge specified that Barnett had the offensive weapon 'without lawful authority or reasonable excuse'.

As a result he was fined  £120, ordered to pay costs of £85 and a surcharge of £48.

He was given until June 6 to pay off the fine in full and his guilty plea was taken into account when he was sentenced at the court on May 9.

A collection order was also made, giving the court additional powers to recover the money owed.