"Overjoyed" residents are celebrating after a decade-long campaign to relocate dangerous drains has been resolved.

Homeowners on Earls Grange, near Upton Upon Severn, have tried to get the drains relocated at the junction with Church Lane and Earls Grange for more than ten years.

Huge puddles of water that were one foot deep formed along the road and would not drain away. 

During winter the drains iced over and became a dangerous hazard to pedestrians and vehicles.

Worcester News: Residents on Earls Grange have campaigned for over a decade for the drains to be relocatedResidents on Earls Grange have campaigned for over a decade for the drains to be relocated (Image: David Beavan)

David Beavan, who has lived on Earls Grange for over 20 years and campaigned for the drainage issue to be fixed, said: "I would say it has been a problem for around 21 years.

"It's happened since they built the development.

"The drainage grates are a foot too high.

"I sent a picture to the council, that was four years ago, but nothing was done about it.

"They came around to sort the drains last week so we're over the moon."

Neighbours expressed concern about the drainage problem due to the build-up of water freezing over during the winter months.

Mr Beavan said: "We were all concerned because nothing had happened.

"There is an elderly resident who lives on the road. The drains were frozen over which makes it very dangerous.

"The water ran right to the bottom of the road with two drains either side. I would say they were 12 inches too high until the water was one foot deep.

"We're overjoyed. Pedestrians and cyclists will no doubt be delighted.

"The council told us it would take a few months, then it was delayed until May.

Worcester News: Worcestershire County Council completed the new drainage works last weekWorcestershire County Council completed the new drainage works last week (Image: Martin Allen)

"It's a good community job.

"The contractors were good too, I supplied their workers with lots of cups of tea."

Cllr Martin Allen said: “For over 10 years residents have been trying to take action.

"The locals could perceive the danger and when I visited the road, I too could see this was an issue that could not be left. 

"The council workforce has done a first rate job and I was very pleased to return and see Mr Beavan and pass on his thanks to the County Council.

"Sometimes it’s the little things that make residents lives better.”