Children in need are seeking the help of fostering 'superheroes' in Worcestershire.

Worcestershire Children First Fostering is hosting an open morning for anyone interested in foster care.

The event is set for Saturday (May 25), and provides an opportunity to learn about foster caring from those with firsthand experience.


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This open day comes during Foster Care Fortnight, which began on Monday, May 13, and is focusing on celebrating the defining moments of fostering journeys, even those at the early stages.

The open morning event will be held in the Lakeview room at County Hall from 9am to 1pm, welcoming people interested in taking their first steps toward a fostering journey.

Councillor Steve Mackay, cabinet member for children and families at Worcestershire County Council said: "Becoming a foster carer is one of the biggest and most rewarding decisions you'll ever make.

"The focus Foster Care Fortnight gives, provides an opportunity to recruit new superheroes to help shape lives and also for us to say thank you and show our appreciation for our current foster care families.

"They really do make an invaluable difference to the lives of children and young people across our county.

"We are always looking for new members to join our fostering family and I would encourage anyone considering fostering to come along to our open morning to find out more about what it's like to be a foster carer."

Those currently fostering or considering it are urged to attend, meet other fostering families and celebrate the fortnight.

Foster care offers a range of opportunities, whether it is short-term or long-term, in respite, parent and child placement, buddy or specialist fostering, to support a child in need.

For additional information or to register for the open morning, email:

Further details can also be found at or by calling 0800 028 2158.